Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Plaster masks: Spirit Animals

Plaster masks by 7th graders, embellishing and building upon original casts they did of their own faces, working in partners.

Arts & Citizenship: Trimester 1 art show: Life and Death

8th grade Independent arts: Students use the entire trimester to plan and execute an independent arts project, supported by me (Carin Lilly), Diana Burritt and Christina Kelsh.  By art, we mean they may choose from music, drama, dance, visual and new media.  Their work must revolve around/build off of a theme that they, as a cohort, decide on the first day of class.  This theme was Life and Death.  Throughout the semester they kept a log of their progress, as well as met in small critique groups to reflect upon their work and look for places to improve upon what they had, using the Liz Lerman process.

Currently, their show is up in the arts wing of the school.  Swing by to see.  Below are a few highlights.

GIANT collaborative Cardboard Masks.

6th graders just wrapped up a GIANT project that they spent the last month or so on.  Creating masks that need to be:
 at least 3 feet wide or tall, and stick out 6 inches
   completely original,
    every member of the group contributed physically to the piece
      and had strong craftsmanship and technique in cutting, joining, painting, and mixed media

I have never seen so much excited, creative energy in my art room!

They are now all watching over the books in the library.  Please stop by a for a look!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Congratulations all wallpaper winners!

7 total (because of a tie).  
We are still looking for donations to have the paper actually installed!  
Drop me a line if you'd like to help clilly@cssu.org